We have had a busy December Fred and I went to San Francisco for a little vacation for 5 days, it was a lot of fun but ready to get home to see the kiddos! But I think the kids had just as much fun as we did getting to stay (aka being spoiled) with the Grandparents. We got to be outside once to go sledding, Kreighton loved it, but Kyle spotted Bappa in the tractor and that was much more interesting to him. We went and saw Santa at the library and Santa (aka Bappa 9 toes) came to the Baragary x-mas. Kreighton loves writing to Santa and telling him what she wants, and what to get other people. She says her dad does not get anything because he did not stop at the stop sign and that Mom wants lipstick.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Winter Fun
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Nikki's Wedding
The first weekend in November I was lucky enough to travel to AZ for my college roomate's wedding. I was a bridesmaid and Fred was not sure if he would be done in the fields so I went solo. My two other roommates Carey and Nicki went as well. The weather was great and I had so much fun reconnecting with my friends. We all lived together for 2-3 years and I am so lucky to have had them as roommates. They are some of my best friends and most likely know more about me than most people. It is amazing that we are all still so close and I have no idea what I would do without any of them. And we also all married great guys! The weather was awesome and coming back to Iowa was a little depressing besides the fact I did miss Fred and the kids A LOT!
Nikki was a GOURGEOUS bride
The whole weekend was great! The wedding party was so much fun! Fred did great at home with the kids Kyle even had the flu and he had to take Kreighton to the lab twice to get her blood drawn and never complained once!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Snoozing in the Tractor!
Growing up Fred would ride with his dad in the tractor for hours and hours (which both of my kids are following in his footsteps) and would actually take a pillow and blanket and sleep in there with his dad! So one day last week Kreighton comes in the house after riding with Fred for a short while, she was very excited telling me she was going to pack a bag with her pillow, blanket, doll, passy, lovey, and books and was sleeping in the tractor while her daddy drove just like Daddy used to do with Bappa! I could not help but be excited for her seeing her enthusiasm on her face, but what I was really thinking is yeah right...she will never fall asleep in the tractor!
But Fred was just as excited so off they went!
But it worked and Kreighton was out like a light by 8:30! Fred was so proud! I am not for sure what he is going to do next year when they BOTH want to sleep in the tractor with Daddy!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I of course have to blog about The Chicago Marathon I ran last week! Fred, (yes I have a wonderful husband who will drive me to Chicago even in the middle of harvest) Kreighton, Mom, Dad, and myself all went to the BIG event!
Overall the race was good (if you would have asked me that while I was running at about mile 18 I would not have said the same thing) BUT now that it is over and I have forgotten the pain I can say it was not that bad! Even though I did make Fred and some of my friends promise to never let me sign up to do another one!
While running the marathon you see some crazy/weird/funny/inspiring things. People watching and listening is what got me through the last 8 miles!
Here are some of the things I saw a long the way!
1. Toenails are not worth it-thought of my sister Katie who is missing a few after her half
2. DFL which stands for Dead F*cking Last is better then DNF- which you have by your name if you Do Not Finish.
3. I saw Herky The Hawkeye! I could not believe it!
4. There was a guy running with the Eiffel Tower around his body.
5. Run Faster-there is beer at the finish line...GROSS and I could not imagine craving or wanting a beer but there were so many people who did!
6. Probably the saddest thing I saw on the race was a guy collapse with less than a mile to go! I felt so bad for him as he was getting an IV hooked up to him and loaded into an ambulance!
7. And the Greatest thing I saw on the race (besides the finish line) was my Family! Kreighton was so excited to be cheering for me and would yell "Mom do you need your RedBull"
And Fred found me three different times and my Dad walked around Chicago on a bad knee!
Overall it was a great race and weekend and even though I said I would never do another one...I think I need to do at least one more and try to get under 4 hours! BUT not for a few years!
Here are few Pictures from our weekend~
My support team Kreighton catching a nap!
I could not leave Kyle out! Here is his favorite place to be this fall! In the combine with Daddy! He clings to Fred's leg in the morning and throws an absolute fit if he does not get to go with him!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Oh How I Love Fall!
I do love fall sweatshirt weather! I love that we can still be outside and go on walks or runs without the heat! I love going to pumpkin patches with the kids and watching Kreighton picking out the BIGGEST pumpkin for her dad! The kids getting excited for combine rides with their Dad! And of course the kids and I love watching Hawkeye football!
But at the same time I very much dislike not having Fred around! And the kids miss him so much as well! Kyle's eyes light up when he hears Fred talking over the two-way and thinks he is home! Yes they do get to go for an occasional combine ride, but it is not the same! And of course Mr. Kyle has decided to give up his morning nap! He may be ready but his mom is most definitely not! And Miss Kreighton tested positive for Walking Pneumonia after weeks of coughing and me just thinking it was just her allergies! And she also decided to give herself a haircut! She has now has a one-sided mullet! But we are hoping to be on the downhill stretch! And hope that Fred is getting close to being done!
Kyle relaxing at the Pumpkin Farm
I have realized trying to get a picture of both kids looking is almost impossible!
Kyle in heaven! He screamed and had a major meltdown when he had to come back to me!
Kyle has also learned to climb the art table! This is his "What mom and I am not supposed to be up here" look!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
1/2 Marathon
I love to run and do races anywhere from a 5k to full Marathons! So when new people start "running" it makes me very excited! I talked my sister Katie to sign up to do a half marathon and stayed on her all summer to make sure she was sticking to the training plan and not slacking off!
Well this was the big weekend of the race and last minute I decided to sign up and run with her and keep her motivated through out the race! I was very proud of my sister and so happy that I was able to run with her! I think she wanted to kill me at mile 10 when I refused to let her walk or when I kept telling her I could see the finish line to keep her motivated but she did it she finished and she did not walk !
Fred and I before the race!
Shirts from Shannon!
And they did!
Entertainment for the kids during the race
Kreighton making sure I got my red bull!
I think this was at mile 8
All done!
As soon as we were done with the race we were off the Iowa City to cheer the Hawks on to a VICTORY!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Fred and I decided to make a big purchase this summer of a camper! I was not sold on the idea at first, however, he talked of great family times when he was growing up and how much fun they had! So after a few months of looking we finally found one that we wanted! And I can say it was definitely a good decision! All of us have had so much fun! The kids love it and Kreighton wants to go every weekend! Kyle does good as well, however, he is a little bit of a crazy man so we normally just end up chasing him around and make sure he is not eating something he shouldn't and staying away from the fire! And I never thought camping would be so fun! The kids love going on walks and coming up with all sorts of things Kreighton turns bridges into "The Grumpy Old Troll's Bridge" The dam at Backbone is Pocahontas's waterfall and Will decided the broken rocks were from Godzilla!

Monday, August 16, 2010
A recap!
It has been a while since I have had a post!
So I am just going to recap our summer since my last post!

1.We took Will and Kreighton to Adventureland! They had a blast!
2. Weddings...lots of them!
3. Kyle went on 15490023 4-wheeler rides! No Joke!

4. We were regulars at the fish hatchery!

6. We bought a camper! We have only been able to use it a few times but so far the kids love it!
7. We have gone swimming a lot! We love going to Manchester because of the Zero Depth both kids got more braver as the summer went on!
8. Fred is building a new Pioneer Building
9. We go to spend a lot of time outside and being with Friends and Family!
10. Miss Clara Mae was born! Kreighton was very excited about it! And we just have to protect her from Big Cousin Kyle who likes to wack her on the head!
I tired to do pictures with every caption, BUT my computer wanted to make it difficult so I gave up!
Our summer was busy but we had a lot of fun!
Kreighton will be starting preschool next week which seems so hard to believe because that also means she will be 3!!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
We flew out to FL to visit the Hinderakers, we left very early on Thursday in the morning out of Moline (the tickets were $300.00 cheaper then Cedar Rapids) plus we had a long layover which Kreighton and Julianna (our niece went with us and was great help) were lucky enough to get pedicures and manicures! Kreighton and Kyle did great considering they were going on no sleep and had to take naps in the airplane!
Florida was awesome and after a few hours of being there I never wanted leave! We got to go to the beach where the kids loved. Kyle must like salt because he kept putting his fingers in the water and then his mouth! Kreighton loved building sand castles with her cousins!
And we went to the pools which were awesome! So accommodating for kids of all ages!
We had such a great time and are so lucky to have relatives in a warm climate and really hope we can make it a yearly visit! Kreighton and Kyle loved playing with thier cousins and they all played so well together I can honestly say it was a perfect trip!
Although yes Kreighton was taught to cheer for Iowa State! However, we are working on The Hawkeyes again! My sister Katie said to wash her mouth out with soap and my parents said they would pay to have her hypnotized to never say Iowa State again!
Kreighton and Julianna having a "spa day" in the airport!
Kreighton and Michelle making supper!
Trying to get a picture of the cousins! But Kreighton wanted nothing to do with it!
Daddy and Kyle at the beach!
Mommy and Kyle at the beach!
How do you keep a two year old entertained on a plane? Bring her three older cousins along to entertain!
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