I of course have to blog about The Chicago Marathon I ran last week! Fred, (yes I have a wonderful husband who will drive me to Chicago even in the middle of harvest) Kreighton, Mom, Dad, and myself all went to the BIG event!
Overall the race was good (if you would have asked me that while I was running at about mile 18 I would not have said the same thing) BUT now that it is over and I have forgotten the pain I can say it was not that bad! Even though I did make Fred and some of my friends promise to never let me sign up to do another one!
While running the marathon you see some crazy/weird/funny/inspiring things. People watching and listening is what got me through the last 8 miles!
Here are some of the things I saw a long the way!
1. Toenails are not worth it-thought of my sister Katie who is missing a few after her half
2. DFL which stands for Dead F*cking Last is better then DNF- which you have by your name if you Do Not Finish.
3. I saw Herky The Hawkeye! I could not believe it!
4. There was a guy running with the Eiffel Tower around his body.
5. Run Faster-there is beer at the finish line...GROSS and I could not imagine craving or wanting a beer but there were so many people who did!
6. Probably the saddest thing I saw on the race was a guy collapse with less than a mile to go! I felt so bad for him as he was getting an IV hooked up to him and loaded into an ambulance!
7. And the Greatest thing I saw on the race (besides the finish line) was my Family! Kreighton was so excited to be cheering for me and would yell "Mom do you need your RedBull"
And Fred found me three different times and my Dad walked around Chicago on a bad knee!
Overall it was a great race and weekend and even though I said I would never do another one...I think I need to do at least one more and try to get under 4 hours! BUT not for a few years!
Here are few Pictures from our weekend~

Kreighton giving me a "good luck kiss"

Filling up on Pasta!

After the race-bending down that far was very painful!
My support team Kreighton catching a nap!

I could not leave Kyle out! Here is his favorite place to be this fall! In the combine with Daddy! He clings to Fred's leg in the morning and throws an absolute fit if he does not get to go with him!