Sunday, November 27, 2011


Thursday we went to the Monti Hall with the Baragarys which is perfect...the kids loved playing with cousins and running around!
I always asked my mom how it was when we were younger and there was so many kids around and Mom always told me how they would just grab a kid and help then get their meal or whatever they needed...after Thursday I understood why they did that...we all basically did the same thing!  After we stuffed ourselves there we came home and took a much needed nap!  Then off to Glen and Marilyn's for our annual Thanksgiving Pizza and pumpkin pie!  Kreighton took one look at the pumpkin pie and then very confused looked at Grandma Marilyn and asked "why did you use cat food to make this pie?"  She does have a point...pumpkin pie does kind of look like cat food!  It was a perfect day filled with lots of food and family!

Kael was a hit!

Alice Krebsbach and Clara Moroney

This picture makes me laugh...Kyle loved having Parker to play tractors with!

Kael and Sissy! I think they look a like in this picture!

Mommy and Kael

"Trying" to get a good a picture of some of the cousins!

Kael, Lauren, Clara, Kreighton, Peyton, Owen, Carson, Parker, Alice, Tate, Emma, and Wille!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Tuesday night Change Up!

After a busy day of going to the Aurora Comet Center, taking early naps, getting woke up from early naps, going to the Indee Library to do Thanksgiving Crafts, stopping by the park to play for a while, attempting to potty-train Kyle, being bath night, and Fred not being home tonight I decided to make it easiest on ME!  I gave the kids an early bath at 4 when Kael went down for a nap and told them to put thier jammies on...they were confused since we hadn't even ate supper!  I made popcorn (a snack right before supper) and let them watch Snow White!  And then I even brought them thier supper in the living room and let them eat in there....they thought it was awesome and it saved me having to set the table!  It was a fun night and I think the kids thought I was losing it! Kreighton said "Mommy are we always going to eat in the living room?" 

I even let them eat chocolate popcicles!

Poor Kael...he just had to hang out!

Art Projects

Now that the cold weather has started to set it we have been stuck inside :( BUT the kids love it when I come up with "art projects" for them,  it keeps them busy for a while and I think it is funny to see what they come up with!

Here they are decorating boxes!

Kreighton decorated hers for Ella...she was even able to write her name!

What Kyle has been up to?

Well we decided to tackle potty training with Kyle, my plan was to have a "potty party" but when I was telling Kyle about it, and that he would get to pick out a tractor if he went potty on the big potty he ran into the bathroom and went...I of course had no tractors on hand and had a very sad/mad little boy! But he has been doing great, we still have some accidents but for the most part he does great!

The problem is...he is too skinny and the diapers kept his pants up! 

Look how cute he looks in his big boy undies!

I Knew It!

All these years Fred has been trying to convince me he is an Iowa State Fan!

Well look what Kreighton found....

Fred's Favorite Teddy Bear

Go Hawks!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday And Thursday

So I slacked a bit, and did not get a post up yesterday!  We had a busy day!

This is a game the kids invented! Running and jumping on the beanbag!

Kyle's Turn

High Flying

Snack Time

For some reason playing in the pack in play is so much fun!

We went out to eat in Alburnett!

Richard and Connie...sorry about the boy pjs!

She spent today with Aunt Katie!

Kyle must have missed Clara today, because when he got home from Barb's he asked me "Where's Clara" I told him that she was with Aunt Katie, and he said, "Go get her, Go get her Mommy"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

And What did Clara do Today!

Clara had a busy day...she had an early morning getting up at 5:30 am...she did have a fall and marked her face...Fred was the one that was supposed to be watching her, so blame him!  But if she comes home with cavities, blame Sissy, she is the one that gave her a tootsie roll at 7 am!  

Then she got dressed up in Kyle's Cartharts and went and hauled pigs with Bappa Craig

She was not fond of the pig! 
Being a Monkey!

Finally a picture with Aunt Maggie

Wherever Kael is, Clara is close by!

Went and had supper at Great Grandma and Grandpa's! 
Playing on Great Grandma's Bed

"Trying" to get a good picture!

It was another fun day with Miss Clara Mae!

Monday, November 7, 2011

How can you resist....

These Baby Blues!

My last post...I just loved this picture!

A Glimpse into My Mother's Life

So we are very lucky this week to have Miss Clara Mae staying in Iowa!  So today I got to understand what it was like to have 4 kids 4 and under like my mom did!  It was a challenged I loved!  It was fun...a little stressful in the morning because Mr. Kyle was a little tired from the time change! But having Clara here and watching her play with the kids is so much fun!  Kreighton loves entertaining her and reading books to her, Kyle and Clara ran around all afternoon laughing and playing, and Clara loves to love on Kael!  And did I mention I had 3 kids in diapers!  So to sum up our day I would say BUSY BUSY but so worth it!

Clara loving on Kael!

So cute!

Kreighton loves having Clara!

Did I mention we are "supposed" to take this cutie back to Minnesota on Friday!  We are all devising a plan to keep her in Iowa!
Having Clara here is a blessing....I love watching cousins play together!


3 COUSINS in a tub!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why is Kael wearing a Dress!

That is what Kreighton asked when we were getting Kael ready for his baptism this morning!  He wore the same dress Kreighton and Kyle wore for their baptism.  
Uncle James and Aunt Katie were Godparents! 

Kreighton looking so angelic!  And I did not pick out the red shoes and pink tights with the white and blue dress....but getting out of the house for church on time was a little stressful so I did not argue...what can I say...the girl has her own since of style!

Kyle was not so interested in the baptism!

With the Grandparents

It was a great day and we were so thankful to share it with family!