I think this is a term.....
Chris was hunting (which Jayme does not look forward to these weekends...however I am starting to not mind them because it means lots of fun play dates with the Beyers) so I told Jayme to stop over and talked her in to staying for supper....and of course all the kids were excited so they could all play!
I am always amazed by what kids come up to play or do....all kids in general I think have amazing imaginations! The girls decided to have an "art sale" so they colored A LOT of artwork and then put prices on them and had people (Grandpa Craig) come down and buy some.
Here they are trying to strike a bargain with Grandpa Craig |
They had all their artwork laid out....looked very professionally! |
The 3 Artist |
Showing off their work
They even had a 2 for 1 deal at the end! |