As most people know my dad had quadruple by-pass surgery on Thursday....we were all hoping he would be home by today....however he has hit a few bumps in the road and is having to spend a few extra days in the hospital. We have explained to the kids what is going with very few we never told him that Grandpa had a tube down his throat to help him breath...instead we say Grandpa needs to stay in the hospital to feel better and Grandma has to stay with him so he does not miss her.
The kids have not been asking too many questions Kreighton was pretty bummed on Sunday because she thought she was going to get to see Grandpa BUT he got put back in the ICU with a breathing machine and figured it would be best for her not to see him like that.
Tonight at the supper table we said an extra prayer for Grandpa to feel better and get to come home....Kyle looked up from bowing his head and said "does anyone have God's number....we can just call him and ask him to MAKE Grandpa feel better." He kept saying "can't we mom can't we just call God?"
So thru the eyes of 4 year old....