Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thru the Eyes of a 4 Year Old

As most people know my dad had quadruple by-pass surgery on Thursday....we were all hoping he would be home by today....however he has hit a few bumps in the road and is having to spend a few extra days in the hospital.  We have explained to the kids what is going with very few details...like we never told him that Grandpa had a tube down his throat to help him breath...instead we say Grandpa needs to stay in the hospital to feel better and Grandma has to stay with him so he does not miss her. 

The kids have not been asking too many questions Kreighton was pretty bummed on Sunday because she thought she was going to get to see Grandpa BUT he got put back in the ICU with a breathing machine and figured it would be best for her not to see him like that. 

Tonight at the supper table we said an extra prayer for Grandpa to feel better and get to come home....Kyle looked up from bowing his head and said "does anyone have God's number....we can just call him and ask him to MAKE Grandpa feel better."  He kept saying "can't we mom can't we just call God?"  

So thru the eyes of 4 year old....

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Late Start

Yesterday East Buchanan had a two hour late start so I decided to attempt a gingerbread house that I got last year on clearance.  I soon realized why it was on clearance. 

Oscar the Elf flew in on our helicopter 

Kreighton helping to make the molds

It was messy....but she loved getting to eat the chocolate

After many failed attempts of trying to figure this damn project out....we gave up....and this is what Kreighton thought of the project!  

Kael decided to try his hand and figuring it out

He too just made a mess!

A night With Grandpa

Grandpa Craig wanted Kreighton and Will to come help decorate his tree...not sure why he did not want Kyle and Kael....they would have been super fun to help decorate!  But Kreighton was excited for a night out without her crazy brothers!!!

Kreighton decorating

Look at all the stockings....Mom has to use a curtain rod to keep them all up

Finding the perfect spot

Will joining in on the fun

Grandpa helping with the hook

Kreighton, Grandpa, and Will

Then Kreighton got to spend extra time with just Grandpa alone while I went and worked out and had a drink....

They ate shelled peanuts and made a mess for Grandma to clean up!

Adventureland Inn

Last weekend we went to Adventureland Inn

Playing in the pool!

Kyle was a crazy monster!


Kael figured out the slide fast!

Kyle and Julianna having a talk

Abe entertaining the girls!

The only picture of me all weekend!  

Fred was behind the camera

Kael loved loved the water....he would have stayed in all day!

We went for Alex's cheer competition sadly she fell the night before competition and suffered a minor  concussion and could not compete...we still went to the competition which was awesome to see! I sadly did not get pictures not even of Alex in her cheerleading outfit with the kids....so mad at myself!
It was a super fun weekend Kreighton would have swam all day...well she kind of did...we loved being with cousins and makes us super excited for The Dells this summer!  And to make things better the kids slept in!  


Thanksgiving day we went to Monti with the Baragarys....but I was sad that I forgot my camera!  On Friday we celebrated with the Moroneys!

!st Oscar the Elf showed up...with a note and new pillows for the kids!

Cousin Fun!

Great Grandpa and Kreighton

Will and Kreighton.....Will looks so old!

Cindy, Fisher, and Great Grandma!

Kyle, (notice his handsome tie) Kael, and Fisher 

Plenty of toys to play with

Great Grandpa and Will 

Will helping Fisher build a tower

Kreighton was "pretending" to sleep on Jenny

Nolan was with us in spirit....via facetime!

Clara had kisses for her brother!

Hanging out!

 It was a fun day and we got to watch the Iowa Hawkeyes win in both football and basketball!!!!

Fun at the Youngbluts!

We went to over the Youngbluts for some dinner and fun!

Eating supper in Peyton's room....Peyton's mom is awesome! 
The dads in charge!

Horsey Rides

And of course they turn into a more of a competition!

This is when the mom's should have headed out to the bar:)

The big girls...and an unhappy Lydia!

Not sure how much longer they will be able to get the 4 on one back!
Kyle and Tate taking a break from being cowboys!

It was a fun night filled with lots of fun for the little kids and the big kids!!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kreighton and her Annual Combine Ride

Kreighton through the years riding in the combine......

 2010 Kreighton Age 3-with her passy...she looks so little!

2011 Kreighton Age 4

2012 Kreighton Age 5

Same coat...different year!

And now 2013 Kreighton Age 6-my all grown up little girl!

A tradition I hope she continues for a long long long time!!!!!