Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Dells!!!!

For Christmas my Mom and Dad gave us a trip to the Wisconsin Dells that we all went to this past weekend!  Uncle James found us a condo that we could all stay in!  The kids were so excited and talked about it for weeks before we were actually able to go!

Grandpa Craig and Nolan
Clara did not want to miss out on the fun!

SuperMan showed up!

SuperMan did not stay long...hanging out in your undies, hat, and sunglasses is way cooler!


Brad impressing us all with his wine drinking skills!

I was highly impressed with Kreighton that she was willing to try the "wave machine"

She loved it and lasted a long time!

She tried her hardest to stand up....but couldn't and the machine sucked her right up to the top and she got water in her ears....I felt terrible for her!

Kyle LOVED this ride....he thought it was Diego's raft!
Kael also loved the ride!
He would get out of the water and go right back up! 
The hot tub was a huge hit for breaks for the kids...BUT state of WI you have to be 6....(so we lied for Kreighton (oops) and the others had to sit on the side!

Trying to get a picture of all SIX of them....not easy with two babies and stubborn 3 year old!
Kyle-3 years 7 months
Kael 1 year 5 months
Kreighton 5 years 5 months
Will 8 years 3 months
Nolan 10.5 months
Clara 2 years 6 months

Happy Nolan looking so old here....even with a double ear infection!

Poor kid had to wear his sister's purple coat

Kreighton being silly!

Clara and Kreighton....Kreighton got her hair braided....I had to  let her considering even doing a braid is tough for me!

It really was an awesome weekend....with a few minor mishaps...Uncle James getting the flu, Bappa Craig almost drowned, I almost stole another little Girl's Uggs (because I thought they were Kreighton's), and a lifeguard would not let Kyle go down a slide (that we had already gone done a dozen times) because he was not tall enough....Kyle had a breakdown...I wanted to get mad and say a snarky comment to the lifeguard....but I recalled my days of a lifeguard, smiled, and bit my tongue!
I think it will be a tradition we continue every year!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Iowa Basketball Game

On Sunday Maria, Jayme, Shannon, and Myself took Lauren, Lindsay, Peyton, and Kreighton to Iowa Women's Basketball Game.  I did not tell Kreighton we were going until the day before....with Iowa weather and never know what might pop up!

Kreighton and Lindsay in the bathroom!

Lauren, Lindsay, Kreighton, and Peyton during halftime right next to the court

Someone gave Sissy a free she bought all the girls ice cream

The Girls doing the Burrito Lift

Mommy and Kreighton

Peyton and Lauren that Jayme Beyer....Chris Beyer's wife wearing a HAWKEYE shirt!!!! Oh yes it is!  I have more than once volunteered to buy Lauren and Lindsay Hawkeye Clothing....but they have not budged but I am still working on them :)

Sissy and Kreighton

We also got to see Coach Bluder get her 600th WIN!

It was a fun afternoon and worth the trip.....and a tradition we will have to continue!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Hosch's and Johnson's Visit

Saturday morning we had a playdate with our friends from Cedar Falls and Cascade....Nicki and Carey....and kids!

Tate Hosch and Kreighton

Kyle, Lane Johnson, and Kreighton

"The Babies"  Kael and Drew

Cute Picture!
 I did terrible job of taking pictures....but after the kids warmed up to each other they played great!  It was so fun to see the kids interact with each other....I am sure they will much more fun with years to come!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Precious Moments in the Peck House this Week.....


There is more than one reason I love this picture
1. That all 3 of my kids are snuggled up in our bed
2. A different one is smiling in each of the pictures
3. They are eating a healthy snack of an apple
4. The last one....which makes me very happy/excited they are ALL 3 watching a movie!  Yes I want Kael to watch TV....I want to be able to KNOW that I can get a break during the day!
Kael only sat for about 1 minute...and I know we are at least a year away before he will actually sit for tv....but we are getting closer!
With Kreighton I never would have been "pushing" tv on her at the age of 16 months....BUT with Kael I am :)

These pictures pretty much speak for themselves....Kreighton reading Kael a book!

Jumping Jumping and Jumping!

Last Friday we went to CF to see Sissy and wanted to find something for the kids to do and came across K and T or K and S that had a bunch of different blow up jumping things and different stuff for the kids to do.  The KIDS loved it and it was an awesome place to go in the winter to get some exercise in for the kids!

Helping Kael down the slide!

Kyle's turn....Kael looks a little scared

Maybe not!

Kreighton going down the big slide!

Kael and Mommy!

Kreighton was so proud of herself climbing up on everything!

Kisses from Sissy....Kyle does not look to thrilled!

Pretty Girl

The indoor swing set....Kreighton asked on the way home if we could moves ours inside!

Batman showed up.....

Someone is going to jail!

Grandma Sharon went as well and we all had so much fun!!!!!

Kael Kael Kael

Kael is about 16 months old now and ALL over the place!  He LOVES to eat and eat!  He is usually the 1st kid up and eats his own breakfast, then eats whatever Kyle is eating, and then whatever Kreighton is eating.  Then when I am eating my eggs after the older two go off to school I also have to share with him!  This is why he has such a round belly!  He loves avocados and as long as I can find them he eats about one a day!  He is normally not too picky of eater but if he does not like it it goes right on the floor!  He loves books and I feel bad since he is my 3rd I do not read to him as much as I did with the others...oops!  He loves baths, tearing everything out of the cupboards, having Fred carry him around the house,  watching Kreighton fall down (Kreighton started this game with him and gets him rolling on the ground laughing everytime she does it), and music.  He does not like when his brother will not let him take all of his toys, when he is hungry, getting lotion on his chapped cheeks, when his dad leaves (could care less about me), and not getting his way!!

When Kael is happy the whole house is happy and when Kael gets in one of his moods and we do not know what to do with him....the whole house knows it!  He can say up, mamamama, dadada, and when you ask him what a cow says he says sssssss which is not right but he answers the same way every time so I am counting it for something!

Kael loves to say cheeessseeee

Everything out.....

Showing me his tummy! 

Trying to say cheese again!

Happy Boy

And he is the perfect caboose to our family!