Kreighton 8th Birthday!
For Kreighton's Birthday she wanted to have a "camping birthday" so we pulled our camper to Morewood on a Sunday so the girls could swim and play. I thought it would be easy peasy....the girls would wear themselves out swimming, we would eat supper, then open presents, roast marshmallows, and the girls would all crash in the camper watching a movie! However there was some crazy wind going on and it was unseasonably cold for August! So the girls did swim for a while....but then I had to come up with something else for them to do so I quickly put together a scavenger hunt (Oh and I did not have any tape so I had to be creative on home I got the clues to stay in place)
Swimming Girls!
Sammi Isham, Kreighton, Kate Dolan, Elsie Flexsenhar, Lauren Beyer, Lindsay Beyer, Laynee Hogan, Macy Kelchen, and Peyton Youngblut
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The pictures do not show how cold and windy it was....we had to ask the guy to open up the pool because he had shut it down because he did not think anyone would be crazy enough to swim!
The start of the scavenger hunt! |
Reading the clues! |
And BURPEES are always fun....right! |
I thought so....not sure they did! |
Searching for another clue! |
And the prize for the scavenger hunt was the game TWISTER! Which was another thing I had to think of last minute! Thankfully there was a pavilion for them to be in that was out of the wind! |
Happy Girls...the girls were great....really no drama and they all played so well together! |
Present time! |
Cake! |
And it is not a camping trip unless you roast marshmallows!
It is hard to believe our oldest girl is 8!
Kreighton is -very easy going -a great big sister...she loves getting to do things for her brothers! -loves to read...right now it is The Little House on the Prairie, Magic Tree House, and Boxcar Children -loves sports...anything sports that Kreighton can try...she is all for it! -loves Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Craig's new room and getting to there all by herself and hang out -loves Iowa Hawkeyes (thanks to me) -loves wearing comfy clothes but sometimes likes to put together a cute outfit and then super proud of herself -loves taking naps...tired Kreighton can lead to sad/emotional Kreighton so she will ask to lay down -loves getting to do things without her brothers...I always tell her she is a lucky duck since she is the oldest she gets to do this a lot!
Overall we think Kreighton is a great girl and so proud of her and cannot wait to see what the future holds for her!