Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cold Cold!

Growing up snow storms met sleeping in, no school, getting to watch TV all day- I loved them!
Then when I went to college I loved them even more...NO CLASSES! It was great it didn't happen much....but when it did I took full advantage of it and loved it! Then when I worked at the bank I was usually one of the only employees that could make it to the it wasn't bad because we were always really slow! So let's say I really used to never mind snow I have a strong DISLIKE for them! It means crabby kids and stuck inside ALLLL day or days! The kids get sick of each other and of me! It means coming up with things to do to keep the kids entertained-like building a fort...and eating our meals in the fort! Coming up with new Birdie-it is where the kids chirp like birds and I put food in their mouths and then we go and sleep in our "nests." Now Kyle has not really minded the snow because for him it means he gets to ride with Dad in the tractor while he pushes snow. Which is great....except after he comes in he has a MAJOR meltdown and walks around the house crying DaDa!
So now that I am grown up and a mom...I can once again say that I wished we lived somewhere warm and had no SNOW! And we cannot wait until SPRING!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww...I love Kyle; I love that he is so vocal, I love that he loves his tractors and moving vehicles and I love that he loves his dad. I also love very much...because we get to come see it once a year and it is so pretty and clean and white...AND I DO NOT LIVE IN IT :) Love you and Kreighton too!
