Monday, May 23, 2011

Rock Picking Crew

So I think there are very few people who grew up in rural Iowa who never picked up rocks...I can remember picking up rocks and a very young age with  different crews!  We would with the Dolans...all of us kids would pile on a tractor or skid loader and go out we would start early and have one big water thermos between all of us that we would share and a boombox radio!  
Then time went by and a few things changed and I used to pick up rocks with Allison and we used to pack a cooler of alcoholic beverages (I will just SAY we were 21!)
Well now things have really changed and my cooler is now full of juice boxes and water!  And not to sound like my parents...but my kids have it way better instead of a bumpy skidloader or uncomfortable wagon they get to ride in the Ranger with comfy seats!

 Of course you can pick up rocks in a skirt!
 Heavy Load
"Need some Help"
"See Kyle these are bigger than our we pick them up!"

I have no doubt we will one day have to DRAG the kids out of the house to pick up rocks....or have to pay them...but for now they love it!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Week

Our week has been busy now that the weather is nice and we can get out and do things!  Kreighton and Kyle have kept us busy-the change in seasons seems to also bring a change in attitudes and behavior.

-We have played day it was hot enough for swimsuits and water!
-We went on a picnic for my mom's birthday, Kyle proved that he is a monkey on the playground and if we make it through the summer without a broken bone or stiches I will be amazed. 
-Kreighton got to spend the night with Sissy, where she got to go to Starbucks and get a pedicure!
-Thanks to Grandma Marilyn both kids got new curtains in their rooms. 
-Kyle spent more time in the back of church then in "actual church" because he kept screaming.
-Kreighton also showed "big" attitude in church and smacked her cousin Will-Why do they always have to do things like this in public?
-On a rainy Saturday Fred got some of his old tractors out for Kyle to play with...I am not really for sure who had more fun...Kyle or Fred.
-Kreighton went out to eat with The Baragarys where when asked "What does your Dad do?" Kreighton's response "He is a farmer" "Oh and What does your Mom do?" Kreighton replied "she cleans for a little bit and then sits on the couch and watches cartoons."  I am not sure I will ever live this one down!
-We have done some park playdates with Sullivans, Langes, and Antons.
-The Tetzlaff kids came over to play for the day so their mom could get some things done.
-We have started to pick up rocks...which is fun...AND both kids can go with their dad giving ME a break!

So with the warm weather it has made things very busy, but it makes the days go by fast!  Now we just want the hot weather to stay for good!  Kreighton has showed she is 3 going on 16 and Kyle has showed that he has no interest in slowing down and he has a bit of a stubborn side-that he gets from his Father!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hawkeye Fairy!

After a visit to FL last summer....Kreighton came home cheering for Iowa State and against the Hawkeyes....I put up with it for almost a year and decided I had to put an end to it once and for all!
I came up with the Hawkeye Fairy...I told Kreighton if she cheered for the Hawks the "Hawkeye Fariy" would leave her a treat under her pillow! Yes I know this is considered bribery...but whatever works right!  I can't have her grow up being disappointed with a team that always loses! It has worked and Kreighton is now a Hawkeye Fan! 
Here are some pictures cheering and finding her treat!
Kreighton cheering for the Hawks and eating from her Hawkeye Cup and Plate

Looking for the treat

Yeah there was one there!
Ok in all actuality we do cheer for the Cyclones as well (except when they are playing the Hawkeyes) and I have even bought ISU clothes for the kids....and yes I have worn some of my own (well Fred's)
So I am not completely against the ISU however it is funny to see Fred's face now that Kreighton is a Hawkeye Fan!  He says I can have Kreighton...but he already has a plan for tractor rides unless he is an ISU fan and I am guessing it is safe guess that Kyle WILL cheer for ISU!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring has Sprung or Will Spring...Hopefully!

Today was also nice enough for Bappa Craig to come out and start working on the garden! The kids were excited to "help"

Kyle Helping

Kreighton Helping

We are excited for the Garden to begin growing!

Kyle's Obsession

Spring work has started (finally) I knew this would bring much joy to Kyle...but I had no idea he would become obsessed with tractors!  Ever since his 1st ride on Sunday night that is ALL we have talked about! Our conversations go like this Kyle- "Where's Daddy?" Me- "Working" Kyle- "Where's Bappa?" Me- "Working" Kyle- "Daddy Tractor?" Me- "Yes" Kyle- "Bappa Tractor?"  Me- "Yes" We have this conversation just about 800 times a joke!  It is the last thing he asks for before he goes to bed and the 1st thing he asked for when he wakes up!  
Kreighton has taken her turn riding in the tractor as well...I do think the only real reason she really wants to ride is because she knows how much her brother loves it and wants to make sure they have to take turns! And the reason I think this is because it was something that I did when I was younger to my brother!