Monday, May 9, 2011

Hawkeye Fairy!

After a visit to FL last summer....Kreighton came home cheering for Iowa State and against the Hawkeyes....I put up with it for almost a year and decided I had to put an end to it once and for all!
I came up with the Hawkeye Fairy...I told Kreighton if she cheered for the Hawks the "Hawkeye Fariy" would leave her a treat under her pillow! Yes I know this is considered bribery...but whatever works right!  I can't have her grow up being disappointed with a team that always loses! It has worked and Kreighton is now a Hawkeye Fan! 
Here are some pictures cheering and finding her treat!
Kreighton cheering for the Hawks and eating from her Hawkeye Cup and Plate

Looking for the treat

Yeah there was one there!
Ok in all actuality we do cheer for the Cyclones as well (except when they are playing the Hawkeyes) and I have even bought ISU clothes for the kids....and yes I have worn some of my own (well Fred's)
So I am not completely against the ISU however it is funny to see Fred's face now that Kreighton is a Hawkeye Fan!  He says I can have Kreighton...but he already has a plan for tractor rides unless he is an ISU fan and I am guessing it is safe guess that Kyle WILL cheer for ISU!


  1. WOW! at least you can admit to your craziness - this is a little like brainwashing :) I'm going to put bets on all 3 of your children attending the beautiful university in Ames that they call Iowa State!

  2. OMG are awful (awful creative that is). I might see a Cy Fairy in Kreighton's future?
