We had planned to take Kyle's passy away when we got back from Galena, however, he decided about a week before they were "Yucky" and no longer wanted them! So there really was no struggle and he adapted pretty well with no passy!
Then he also started crawling out of his crib, yes I feel lucky thet he just started to do it at 2.5 years old, but wasn't sure if I was up to the task of a new bed transition! And actually not a "new" bed, but Fred's old one from when he was a little boy...but it works!
My little camera diva! |
Jumping on the bed is so fun! |
Kyle loves using a screw driver! |
He has done pretty well, we had a few days where he wouldn't nap and told me "Mommy I just want to stay up with YOU" I was about to pull my hair out because naptime is my much needed break from the chaos of Kyle! But that stage seems to be over...for the time being!
I love Kreighton's snazzy red dress:)