Monday, March 12, 2012


Last weekend I surprised Kreighton by letting her know that Miss Peyton was going to spend the night...she was so excited!  I wish I could have gotten on video how excited she was! She leaped across the room, threw her arms around my neck, and yelled "Are you serious"!

The girls had a blast playing together I did not even have to remind them to take turns I heard them talking about it all on their own!  Maria called to see how the girls were doing....I had to answer her honestly and say, " I have no idea I have not heard a peep out of them since Peyton got here"

Even if these girls have the East Buchanan/Jesup rivalry I think they will always be best of friends!  I will have to remind Kreighton it is not Peyton's fault that her parents choose to send her to Jesup and should not hold it against her ;)

1 comment:

  1. oh that is cute! my girls have yet to stay over night by themselves anywhere but grandparents houses! I am impressed! :)
