Thursday, August 30, 2012

What's All The Fuss About....



He now has to share The Beloved Gator with his little Brother!!!!!  Another one of those tough life lessons......

Not that Kael can drive it or anything yet....he just likes to sit in it...aka torture his brother!!!!

Comparison....1st Birthdays

So I had to do a comparison......




Now let's see how Sissy has aged.....



Sissy was the only one that I had pictures of on all 3 of their birthdays :)  

 And Both boys' birthdays ended with a ride from Grandpa Glen....

1st Day of School

So this year we have Kyle in 3 year old preschool and Kreighton in 4 year old preschool....craziness!
So the day after Kael turned 1 my other two started it was a bit much for this Mom....and as always I thought it would not make me sad and as always it did!  It is just hard to believe that Kyle is old enough to get dropped off at school...and Kreighton is old enough to ride the bus AND be at school ALLLL day!

Kyle was a little sad about going to Dad deemed it ok to eat ice cream for breakfast

I think it is a tradition that will stick because the kids have told a lot of people about it!

Kreighton 1st day of school...she really is happy! The outfit was bought by her wonderful Aunt Katie!

The best we could get out of Kyle

And here is Kael....playing with his new toy from the Hinderakers....a barn with vehicles....which I must add drives Kyle CRAZY that Kael has such a neat toy and has to wait or ask to play with it! Such a life lesson he is learning :)

The 1st day of school went great a few tears shed by Kyle and by me...but Kreighton was great...the only thing she was worried about was making sure it was ok if she saw Kyle in the hallway and he was upset if she could give him a hug...she made me ask her teacher which almost led to a few tears shed by me (maybe my kids really do love each other)  But so far so good....Kyle did not even cry on the second day I dropped him off...and Kreighton LOVES it...and LOVES the bus!  Kreighton goes Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and Kyle goes Monday and Wednesday.  So that means I have TWO wonderful mornings of just me and Kael...AND he still naps in the morning....:)


When we got home from Des Moines...a little tired and maybe feeling the affects of two late nights out...we had to suck it up and celebrate Kael's 1st birthday!  We are having a big party for all three kids plus Clara next weekend...but since it was Kael's 1st...we decided he needed his own small celebration!

Mashed Pototoes!

The kids eating

Great Grandma and Grandpa

"Did you make this for me?"

"Digging In"

"Yummy I love this"

"Have some Sissy"


Mommy and Kael

Hugs for Kyle

And of course you got to end the night with a skid loader ride!

With all my is hard to believe that Kael is one!

1. You are a monkey...and are not afraid to attempt to climb on anything
2. You put everything in your mouth....I think you have eaten at least a gallon of dirt this summer
3. Your favorite toy is whatever toy your brother is currently playing with
4. You had no problems ditching the bottles and love your milk out of sippy cup
5. You are a great LOVE pea salad which makes your daddy very happy
6. You LOVE rides on anything!  
7. You have turned into quite the chunky monkey...your belly is bigger than your older brothers
8. Most people still say you look like your Aunt Sissy or Uncle James...BUT more and more people are saying you are a "blonde Fred"
9. You are GRUMPY when you wake up!
10. Other wise you are my very HAPPY always SMILING blondey!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


When I 1st went to Loras...13 years ago my parents told me that one of the Corkery kids from Tipton was also going to a freshman there..."Corkery kids" were also known as a distant relative that I had seen a few times in my life!  Well I met Kevin...then met his friends/cousin...Berto, Matt, and Ryan.  And then through these guys I met there wives Whitney and Amanda and we were all great friends!  Throughout college we had numerous late nights out....really good times!  After college and before I married Fred we all lived in CR....since then some of us have gotten married and had kids and it is not as easy to get together! So I could not wait for the arrival of Kevin's wedding weekend so we could all hang out again....with NO kids!  It was so great to see all these peeps again and it really did feel like we were in college again with two late nights out!!!!

The ladies...Whitney Pino, ME, Amanda Pauly

Me and Fred

Amanda, Joey (he came into the mix when I moved to CR), and Whitney 
The only picture I have of the beautiful couple! The Corkerys

Whitney and Berto

Kevin and Me

Mr. Behmer

BERTO and me!

Fred, Joey, and Ryan

No idea what this picture is about

The Paulys!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Nice Weather!

Last week the weather was perfect to be outside!  And since school started this week it felt like I had to pack a bunch fun into out last "free week"

We went to the fish hatchery

Kyle loves it...but gets a little close for MY comfort

I love this picture of the two of them

I think Kreighton looks like her cousin Alex in this might be because she is giving me a "Mom please take my picture and leave me alone" look!

Kael went with us....but he was on my back the whole time...him crawling around would be way too much for me!

Outside in the dirt pile


We met the Langes at Fontana...sad the kids will be in school and it will be harder to get together! 
All 3 of them!
The Babies....talking about something serious

Charlotte not wanting to be left out...I think they were checking out turtles! 

LOVE this picture of Kreighton!

Kael...notice the dirt around his mouth? This kid will put anything in his mouth!

"watch out Grandpa...we have another one that LOVES rides!

Playing Ball

Kyle and Daddy

Lots of focus


Kyle LOVES his Daddy!

We loved having cooler temps.....