When we got home from Des Moines...a little tired and maybe feeling the affects of two late nights out...we had to suck it up and celebrate Kael's 1st birthday! We are having a big party for all three kids plus Clara next weekend...but since it was Kael's 1st...we decided he needed his own small celebration!
Mashed Pototoes! |
The kids eating |
Great Grandma and Grandpa |
"Did you make this for me?" |
"Digging In" |
"Yummy I love this" |
"Have some Sissy" |
Kisses |
Mommy and Kael |
Hugs for Kyle |
And of course you got to end the night with a skid loader ride! |
With all my kids...it is hard to believe that Kael is one!
1. You are a monkey...and are not afraid to attempt to climb on anything
2. You put everything in your mouth....I think you have eaten at least a gallon of dirt this summer
3. Your favorite toy is whatever toy your brother is currently playing with
4. You had no problems ditching the bottles and love your milk out of sippy cup
5. You are a great eater...you LOVE pea salad which makes your daddy very happy
6. You LOVE rides on anything!
7. You have turned into quite the chunky monkey...your belly is bigger than your older brothers
8. Most people still say you look like your Aunt Sissy or Uncle James...BUT more and more people are saying you are a "blonde Fred"
9. You are GRUMPY when you wake up!
10. Other wise you are my very HAPPY always SMILING blondey!