Monday, August 13, 2012

Visiting Great Grandma and Grandpa

We went and saw Great-Grandma and Grandpa on a Sunday....I was gone all weekend up at the river with friends...and I came home to a clean house-when I say clean I mean CLEAN...Fred did laundry, cleaned the floors, even organized the shoe rack...he was SUPER-DAD all weekend!  The kids love to going and seeing Grandma and Grandpa....usually because it involves eating a cake or two-before even eating lunch!

Sissy came along...I had to do a double take on this one and originally thought it was me!

Kreighton sitting on her brother!

Kyle getting revenge

Putting her in the choke hold

Kael even got in on the fun

Poor Kael....

Kyle taking two at once!

Kael looks a little nervous

So that is when Mom stepped in

This picture is a little nicer!

Dad taking over

And no one wins when he does!

Kreighton LOVES getting her picture taken

We are all looking AND smiling

Sissy gets in for one


I like how there is 3 things going on in this picture...Mommy and Kyle kissing, Kreighton being silly, and Kael getting into things he shouldn't 
Now Kyle beating up Mom

Kreighton showing a little attitude!

When we got home the FUN continued by parting a bike helmet on Kael....I did not have to worry about him falling and hitting his head

He LOVES the gator....he has figured out at a young age that it drives his brother CRAZY

He is a master at these stairs

"ok Mom enough of this thing"

Kreighton checking her email

1 comment:

  1. Kael looks just like Kreighton in the second to last picture with the bike helmet on!
