Monday, April 29, 2013

Seed Shed Fun

The kids LOVE the seed shed....they climb around, ride scooters and the gator, and riding on the forklift with Daddy or Grandpa!


Kreighton 2012....she looks so young here!!! But still in a dress :)


Kyle-2012....Kael wears that sweatshirt now :)

Kael 2013-one of his favorite places to be....:)

An unhappy Kael 2012

They LOVE riding their scooters....they can go so fast!

And the Gator....Kyle drives it around acting like he is Daddy/Grandpa
This was from winter 2012
Kyle looks so little!!!!

Kisses for Kyle :) 

I love that the kids love the seed shed....even if at times I think it seems a little dangerous....I am told over and over that Fred and his sisters grew up doing the same thing!!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Prayer Time

Growing up as much as we could we always ate as a dad would not get home until almost 8 some nights so that meant we ate late...but it was always important to my parents we ate as a family. We would say Grace and then eat....after Grace we would go around the table and say our favorite part of our day....a tradition we have continued at the Peck household (when we actually get to sit down as a family and have a prepared meal) :)  Sunday Fred made awesome steak tacos, we sat down, said our prayers, then went around the table saying our favorite part of the day....the kids had really sweet things to say Kyle said his favorite was "going to church as a family" and Kreighton said "spending time with her brothers"....super sweet I thought I need to take some pictures and blog about this awesome supper and special memories we were making-everyone sitting calmly and eating! soon as I grabbed my camera things went a little haywire!!!!  

I will let the pictures do the talking!

We WERE all sitting 
Why not climb on the table

"Hi Mom"


No Idea?

Crawling on the table....normal right?

Eating like an animal

Monkey See Monkey Do

Wild Animals!

Then they were all animals!

Even Kreighton

Kael loves to play fetch!

Then Daddy joins in on the fun

Tickles with Daddy is so fun! much for the nice post about wonderful family suppers that involves prayers and special conversations!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Will's 1st Communion

Will received his 1st Communion....

On his way down

On his way back

Will and his cousin Parker....Will wore the suit his Uncle Brad wore in Dan and Gloria's Wedding about 20 years ago!

Will and Grandma and Grandpa Moroney

Will and his cake Great-Grandma Doreen made

Fred and Kyle....we took the older two kids....mass was during Kael's naptime....Kael at church is really never that fun...and Kael at church tired would REALLY not be fun!

Opening presents!

It was a fun day...Will seemed so old! I wish I would have gotten more one of Will and his FAVORITE aunt and uncle (Fred and I)!  Or at least a good one of Will and his parents!

Monday, April 22, 2013


Last weekend I was lucky enough to get away for a long girls weekend in Colorado to visit my college roomate Nikki with my other two college roomates Nicki and Carey!  I was also lucky enough that Fred was understanding to let me leave in April, lucky it was raining, lucky our old babysitter Elyse was coming home from college and could watch the kids on Friday, and lucky to have family that was willing to help out as well!
We flew out of Cedar Rapids and had a straight shot to Denver where Nikki met us at the airport! And the fun began!

Out to eat for lunch and drinks before a day of shopping!

Canvas and Cocktails!

We were very "professional!

Our masterpieces!

We made Daren judge when we got home....he picked mine as the worst!!!!  And I thought I had talent!

The next morning we got up early and hiked in Boulder

Awesome scenery!

I thought there would be a path for us to walk along and it would be a nice leisurely walk....I was mistaken!!!!!

There was water flowing down these rocks....I thought for sure one of us would end up with a cracked skull....but we all survived! 
Our awesome host and hostess!

We made it to the top!

So worth it!

Carey and I

I had to add a picture of this cutie Miss Noelle....who kept us entertained while we were there!

 It was such a great trip with awesome friends I wish I would have taken more pictures!!!  I feel very lucky to have these 3 ladies in my life!  And even though there are states that divide some of us we have vowed to plan a trip every two years while we can!  

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Thursday Kreighton was at dance and had 5 minutes left of class I was chasing her brothers around waiting for her to get done when I turned around and she was 1st I had no idea what happen and then she took her hand off her chin and there was blood...everywhere!
I panicked a little got her paper towels and someone got her a bag of ice...I asked the opinion of two other moms and they both thought she needed stitches....SO off to the ER we went with both of her brothers....most dance nights Fred can help and take at least one or most of the time both...but since it is busy time I had them both with me....of course on the night we have to go to the ER!
I called Fred right away and he jumped in his truck and met us at the there BUT I still had to get all 3 kids in the ER...which looked more like a train wreck....Kreighton had no shoes on, had blood everywhere, and was crying.  Kyle was crying because he did not want Kreighton to get stitches and Kael was in a daze and had a terrible cold so he had snot everywhere!
Like I said it was more like a train wreck!
Fred got there soon and took the boys with him....that was mistake I should have taken the boys home and made Fred stay with Kreighton....getting the stitches for Kreighton was a terrifying experience!  It took 2 nurses and one EMT to hold her down...they had to wrap her in a blanket and to hold her hands down and drape a cloth of her face....all while Mom had to watch! 

Here she is waiting for the medicine to numb her chin so they could do the stitches!  Thank goodness for the IPAD!

She had to have the stitches on for 5 days and was a brave girl getting them out!
She told pretty much everyone she saw that she had stitches and used it to her advantage as much as she could....she had Kyle waiting on her hand and foot one afternoon...because in her words "getting stitches make you very tired Kyle"
And she was so embarrassed  to have to "wear" her stitches to school!  I did not even know she knew what embarrassed was! :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Daddy is Sick ;(

Yes Fred is sick!  And yes this is one of the absolute worst times of the year he could be sick!!!!  
He woke up this AM and told me he did not feel well....I told him "I have had a sore throat for 3 days suck it up!" By lunch he was so miserable I felt him and he was burning off to bed he went!
I was not mentally prepared to have the kids to myself tonight....BUT the kids were troopers and did awesome! 
ALL 3 watching TV

Kyle smiling for the 2nd pic!

I asked Kyle for a sad face...

Mad Face

Happy Face

Excited Face

Confused Face

Kisses...not sure why they decided to kiss!

LOVE this picture....Kyle laughing and Kreighton demanding another kiss!

Where's of his favorite places...the laundry room!

"You want me to do this...right Mom?"

"Ok that is what I thought"

Take my picture mom!
 I think she looks at least 8 in this picture!

Supper Time...I had NO frozen pizzas in the we had a make shift of anything else I could find...and I added broccoli to make it somewhat healthy!
After supper Kreighton said "Mom I will take the boys outside so you can clean up"  She acts so grown up sometimes!

And then Kael was stuck to her like glue!

 We survived the night and hoping/praying that no one else gets sick and Daddy is feeling better soon!