Thursday, April 11, 2013


Thursday Kreighton was at dance and had 5 minutes left of class I was chasing her brothers around waiting for her to get done when I turned around and she was 1st I had no idea what happen and then she took her hand off her chin and there was blood...everywhere!
I panicked a little got her paper towels and someone got her a bag of ice...I asked the opinion of two other moms and they both thought she needed stitches....SO off to the ER we went with both of her brothers....most dance nights Fred can help and take at least one or most of the time both...but since it is busy time I had them both with me....of course on the night we have to go to the ER!
I called Fred right away and he jumped in his truck and met us at the there BUT I still had to get all 3 kids in the ER...which looked more like a train wreck....Kreighton had no shoes on, had blood everywhere, and was crying.  Kyle was crying because he did not want Kreighton to get stitches and Kael was in a daze and had a terrible cold so he had snot everywhere!
Like I said it was more like a train wreck!
Fred got there soon and took the boys with him....that was mistake I should have taken the boys home and made Fred stay with Kreighton....getting the stitches for Kreighton was a terrifying experience!  It took 2 nurses and one EMT to hold her down...they had to wrap her in a blanket and to hold her hands down and drape a cloth of her face....all while Mom had to watch! 

Here she is waiting for the medicine to numb her chin so they could do the stitches!  Thank goodness for the IPAD!

She had to have the stitches on for 5 days and was a brave girl getting them out!
She told pretty much everyone she saw that she had stitches and used it to her advantage as much as she could....she had Kyle waiting on her hand and foot one afternoon...because in her words "getting stitches make you very tired Kyle"
And she was so embarrassed  to have to "wear" her stitches to school!  I did not even know she knew what embarrassed was! :)


  1. aww, poor thing. (good thing kids are So resilient!) (and I think you should think about writing a book Maggie!-seriously)

  2. I agree with Mom :) you should write a book! way to go KP for being so brave!

  3. and to think there was a day when you couldn't even gut the sight of blood without passing out! Such a good mom you are! :)
