We had the 2nd Annual Moroney Cousin Birthday Bash! It was a huge hit and I would say it is safe to say all the kids had fun! We had the dragon slide again along with a face painter!
This Birthday Girl was 1st up to get her face painted! |
It was a little steamy....as you can see from Mr. Kael! |
Clay/Carter |
Two of my favorite ladies! |
Kreighton, Peyton, Laynee, and Lindsay-I had to look twice to make sure what Beyer Girl it was! |
Lauren, Laynee, and Lindsay |
Levi and Kael....later in the night Levi fell in one of the holes (it was only about 2 feet deep) but Levi kept saying "Kael pushed water" |
That was the hole....Fred has since put grates over the holes! |
The infamous dragon! |
An attempt at a picture of all the kids! |
Clara, Kreighton and Laynee! |
Kreighton and Laynee!
And that was sadly all the pictures that I took....none of the |
birthday kids together or any of Kyle!
what a fun birthday bash!