Still playing catch up!
Fred and the boys cooking! |
We had snow...does not seem possible! At ALL! |
We had friends over one night...Kael in a dress....snuggled up to Carter in a flower headband??? |
Same night...LeaAnn and Kael snuggled up with Fred!
Decorating the Christmas Tree!
Flat Tire....Kael and I were on the way to Waterloo for speech...and the van sounded funny...pulled over and saw this! Awesome! It was also raining! Even Better...did I mention I had Kael with me! So called Triple A....after talking on the phone forever they finally got someone out to me...I had 3 people stop to lady even brought me oranges and nice! The guy from Triple A showed up....a little creepy and kept telling me that he needed to tow my van and I had to come with him...he could not get to the spare tire...he kept telling me how they make it too difficult to get the tires and that we were covered under Triple A and he could just tow I said I had Kael with me and that totally seemed like a future Dateline episode! So I called Fred and he said do NOT get in the truck with him...there is no reason he cannot change the tire and use the spare. So Fred said he would I told the Triple A guy that and he said "Mam I cannot leave you....and tried to get me to come with him again and there was nothing else to be done" And I politely (ok I tried to be polite) told him "you do not know my husband and I PROMISE you he will be able to figure this out" Then I thought to myself....he is Fred Peck and he can fix anything buddy! So the guy waited for Fred to showed up.....and guess what.....Fred Peck was able to get to the tire...and able to change it! Was I surprised...not at all!
This girl....loves ribs! Her favorite thing for her Dad to make! |
Disney on Ice....Shannon and I took the kids...thanks to Brad's Dad we even got the tickets for was awesome!
Baby Lake's 1st Disney Show! |
They LOVED it...and so did I! |
No big deal...we paid $12 for cotton candy....but look at his awesome hat we got for FREE! So worth it! And the boys also got $16 swords...once again so worth it! |
We did have snow....ready for school! |
And Joey got married....and I got to hang with these awesome people! I love each and every one of them! |
Cheering on the Hawks against Nebraska! We WON! Happy Kids! Happy Parents! |
Doing some good DEEDS for Christmas...buying food at Fareway for the food pantry! |
Donating the Food! |
A rainy weekend we broke out some of Fred's old toys....this kid loved them the most! He has played with them almost every day since we got them out!
Shannon and I took the kids to the Manchester Window Walk! Well just Kael and Kreighton....Kyle had wrestling and could not miss it!
Looked through my old posts about the window walk and found this one....we stopped at ate supper with Grandma and Grandpa! |
Kreighton-Age 8
Kael-Age 4
Same animals! Grandpa Craig came along!
It makes me want to cut her hair!
Kyle Age 2 Kreighton Age 4 |
Hanging out in Angie's Office!
Here is Kreighton at age 6 in Angie's office!
Visiting Santa! Kael said he wanted construction stuff! And Kreighton said she wanted volleyball knee pads....and a horse of course...she has been asking since she was 3!
Love being able to see the of the reasons I do the blog!
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