Saturday, July 13, 2013

Minnesota in 24 Hours

Then end of June Marilyn, the kids, and myself took off for Minnesota for a quick trip.  But with LOTS of fun....Thursday night we got to see Ella play (and win and score two goals) soccer!  She is a soccer superstar!  Then Friday Julianna was in The Lion King play....the kids were beyond excited to see cousins!

running in the sprinkler

LOVE this picture!

Kyle being silly

Julianna playing socce with the boys

Kreighton was up front and center playing close attention to the game

There the superstar is herself!

And is the coach....Kreighton did not really leave his side

Kael eating an orange

Crazy Girls 
Enjoying their morning hot chocolate!

Bridget and the kids came over Friday morning and we took the kids to Uptown

They had animals running around the bookstore!

Then Ice Cream!

Kreighton and Nolan

The Tetzlaffs came to the play!  Sweet Miss E

The Play was awesome....all the kids did a great job!

Part of Julianna's Fan Club

The Tetzlaff kids being silly!

It was a fun 24 hours....just wish we could have stayed longer!  And super happy that my kids are getting old enough to make these quick trips seem pretty easy!