I have attempted to complete this post 3 times! Every time the internet crashes!
Our Labor Day weekend did not start out as we had hoped! We had taken the campers over there the Sunday before because we had camped the weekend before in Manchester for Cockings wedding....and instead of dragging them home we just left them at Coffins.....like we have done many times before! Wednesday night Fred and I went over to fill the camper and get ready for the weekend....we locked our camper up at left about 9. The kids and I went over Thursday after school we planned to stay since the boys do not have school on Friday....I got there and went to unpack our van....and I noticed our door looked funny....and then realized someone had used to something to pry it open....without thinking I opened the door....look in, saw our tv was gone, freaked out, realized me and my kids were the only ones in the WHOLE campground, thought oh sh*t what if whoever robbed us is still here, and threw my kids back in the van! Drove to the road called, Fred, the cops, Sara (I noticed their door had also been pryed open as well) Jayme, and then my Dad! Finally the cops came....and I felt safe to go back in my camper and realized the only thing they took was our TV....did not even mess with our clothes or food...and if they would have been smart robbers they would have realized my diamond ring was in the bathroom (yes I know stupid to leave it there) So even though we had just been robbed....I was happy they only took the TV and did not rummage through all of our things! Of course it did scare the kids a bit....and they all talked about it A LOT all weekend....but I just keep thinking it could have been worse!
The cop dusting for prints! |
The boys....being boys! |
Breakfast time! |
Jody Larson was a smart one and brought play-dough...it was a big hit! |
For some reason whenever James shows up to the campground he ends up playing some kind of sport activity with the kids! |
Clay/Carter with Kyle! They both do such a good job of playing with the little ones! |
Jayme gave the girls 1st Class treatment with pedicures! |
Fred with baby CJ! |
CJ with the ladies! |
These 2....crack me up! |
They have the same smile! |
Teamwork! |
Not sure if Nolan should be listening to these 2 tell stories! |
And it would not be Labor Day weekend unless we took a trip to the creek! |
Kyle! |
Look Mom! |
Who says girls don't like to get dirty! |
1 2 3 JUMP! |
We were supposed to cover ourselves in mud....right! |
Kyle! |
And ever so sweet Markia....who is willing to entertain the little kids and put up with us adults! |
Laynee, Markia, Kreighton, and Lindsay! |
Sweet Whitney
It was a great weekend....except for the break-in and the thunderstorm they threatened us with....which totally freaked me out....bc of course that was the night that Fred was gone....so Jayme was a super friend and slept in my camper....I think since being caught in the storm this summer with the kids on the side of the road I will for a long time be scared of storms! |
i. want. to. go. back!!!