This Fall Kreighton played Soccer and Flag was a crazy busy schedule which led to homework in the van, supper in the van, lot of movies in the van, and lots of driving in the van for Mom! But she and myself loved every minute of it! Our weekly schedule consisted of....
-Monday leave my house at 2:45 take Kael to gymnastics/tap...wait for Jess to get there with Kreighton and Kyle we would have gymnastics/dance until 4:30 then I would throw the kids in the as fast safe as I could to Independence (on our way there Kreighton would read her ELL books and I would sing crazy songs attempting to keep Kael awake because most Mondays he did not nap) where Kreighton would have soccer practice for 45 minutes...keep the boys entertained....sometimes feed them supper.
-Tuesday Kreighton had Flag Football Practice
-Wednesday Soccer Practice followed by religion
-Thursday Flag Football Games
-Saturday Soccer Games....and an occasional make up Jazz/Hip Hop class
And dare I say I kind of miss some of it!
Kreighton playing a really cold/windy game in Dike....I think! |
Kicking off...this whole Soccer thing is completely new to me....BUT learn a little more each game! |
One of Kreighton's teammates Mom is a professional photographer! |
After the 1st game I realized I could not attempt to tell Kreighton what to do on the field....she told me "Mom stop telling me to go towards the ball....Ben says that we have to spread out and not ALL run towards the ball" I learned my lesson fast! |
I am guessing she will not always be willing to smile on the field for a picture! |
Laynee got to come and cheer on Kreighton on at a game! |
Kreighton was lucky enough to be on Addie Lange's team...which was awesome that she knew someone and a bonus that Addie is a rockstar soccer player!
 And her last game of the year ended up being against Jesup and she had to play against her cousin Peyton!
Next Up....Flag Football....where once again she was lucky enough to be on Addie's team and have Ben as her coach again! |
The whole team....there were only 4 girls in the whole league and 3 were on this team! |
Talking about plays! |
Getting ready to go! |
Ben being ever so patient with all the kids!
It was a fun fall we got to see the Langes...A LOT! We can't wait for soccer to start next spring! |
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