Kael turned 4! The 1st day of school for the older 2 Kael had his birthday! So it was kind of over shadowed with school and Kreighton being sick and Kyle had soccer practice....but we did get to celebrate at Okoboji with cake and later the next day with friends!
Cake....a construction cake! When he gets older he wants to be a "worker" at Grandma's house....like Steve. Mom and Dad put on a new addition and Steve is the guy that built it and Kael thinks he is pretty cool and loved to watch him work. |
He wanted a boy baby....Kreighton was more than happy to play babies with him. |
And he got to go to Waverly with Fred and Glen and check out the fixed combine....and of course come home with a new toy!
 And maybe not the nicest thing I did....but scheduled him a dentist appt....but he did great...I could NOT believe it...of all my kids he did the greatest....I figured I would not even get him in the chair but not only did he get in the chair he let Dr. Brad give him laughing gas and fill a cavity!
The Day after his birthday I took Kael, Levi Hogan, and Owen Kress to AirFx to have some fun! |
3 boys....it was so funny they loved it! |
All smiles! |
Monkey Levi! |
3 best buddies...everyone thought they were brothers! |
They could be trouble! |
I wanted to go to a park but they pleaded with me to go to McDonalds...so we did and they had fun...again! |
It was a really fun morning and the boys loved it....and I of course impressed them with my dodgeball skills!
Kael got lots of things
Sissy and Brad-Legos...which they are never allowed to buy again!
Grandma and Grandpa and Perrys-Magnetic Tiles
Grandma and Grandpa Peck-took him shopping and got Army guys
Michelle and the girls-something but I cannot remember right now
Mom and Dad-boy baby and a few other toys
Kael is my pretty typical 4 year old...he loves playing with his brother and before he does anything he asks "Is Kyle doing it"
He loves his mom
He refuses to nap....which drives me nuts...because he can turn into such a crab!
He is my wildcard and I have no idea what is going to come out of his mouth
If he does not want to do something he tells me it is boring
He loves his Grandmas....for his birthday he wanted his party to be all 3 Grandmas and Levi
He can play solo really well but would much rather have someone to entertain him
He is going to preschool 2.5 days a week and right now does not like going but is fine once he gets there
He has started speech right now...to work on his Cs and Gs
He loves cookies and chocolate
He refuses to eat anything that is broken...crackers or cookies
He gives the best hugs and kisses
He can be the sweetest boy we know