Last weekend the Hawkeyes played it worked for Kreighton and I to go to the game....with soccer on Saturdays it makes it hard to get to games! We rode down with Mom and Dad...a super bonus to never have to worry about parking or food!
Plus it was gorgeous day so I was beyond excited to be outside and watch football!
Kreighton, Brooklyn and Hayden Gallery, and Piper Reck all hanging out in Doug's truck! |
Robert (who was being inducted into the ANF Hall of Fame), myself, and Randy! Class of 1999! |
I think these 4 girls would have hung out all day! And it was super fun to see them all be fast friends! |
I asked Robert to use his size as intimidation factor and tell Kreighton to only cheer for the Hawks...I think it worked! #noshameinmygame |
Another bonus is that mom and dad's tailgate is right next to Carver Hawkeye so the girls and I went over to go to the bathroom! The funny thing is that I remember tailgating with Randy when I was younger...and Mom and Dad have been tailgating with Doug and LuAnn for this is the 3rd generation of tailgating friends from the Reck/Moroney group! |
I walked over and saw his eyes I am guessing he hit the whole tailgating thing a little harder than I did :) |
Aunt KiKi and Kreighton! |
Some of the Moroney Gals! |
Kreighton thought it was pretty cool that Robert's picture is on the stadium....and so do I! |
Grandpa Craig and Kreighton! |
Now with Grandma Sharon! |
Me with my favorite Girl! |
We were in the W section! |
The girls behind us...who were super nice...slightly...ok A LOT intoxicated kept wanting to take Kreighton and I's picture...which was so nice...and kept telling me over and over how cute it was that I brought Kreighton to the game...and I kept hearing them telling each other the same story over and over...I am SO glad I NEVER acted like that when I was in my lower 20s! |
This was another picture they thought it would be cute if we posed together! Like I said they had had more than there share to drink! |
Kreighton and Grandpa Craig....after the Hawks kicked a 57 yard field goal to win! It was an awesome game...and I think Kreighton loves Kinnick as much as I do! She loved learning about the game of football and wanted to know how to read scoreboard and how many downs they have to get 10 yards and just about any other question she could think of to ask....I would have to say for only being 8 she knows quite a bit!
It was after midnight before we got home....but totally worth the trip! The next morning Kreighton wanted to know all about Robert...when he played, which position, what did he do, and why was he so good. So I pulled up old YouTube videos of him and she watched paying very close attention...I thought it was so funny how into it she was!
Kreighton is already asking when she gets to go back!
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