For Kreighton and Kyle! Kyle started Kindergarten and Kreighton was going to 2nd grade. Kyle has Mrs. Cooksley and Kreighton has Mrs. Kleinline. Both were super excited to start and wanted to ride the the boss on the 1st day but I talked them into letting me drive them.
Here they are! All ready to go! |
 | this sweet picture! Kyle has a bandage on his head...he thought he could ride down a steep grassy hill and then ramp his bike...turns out be can't and ended up splitting his head open and making a trip to the ER! |
I think they all 3 kind of have the same smile! |
And then look at the window peeper....he had been sleeping previous to this so it was funny to look in the window and see this! |
At school all ready to go!
 Kael still got to have a fun day....going with Grandpa and Daddy to the Waverly Implement to check out the combine....and it was his birthday so I had no doubt he would talk one of the 2 into getting him a new tractor....and of course he came home with a new toy tractor!
Kreighton has almost all of her friends in her class so that makes her very happy! Kyle has his best buddy Camden along with friends Lydia, Cooper, Rylee, and Whitney so that makes him happy! He also learned to tie his shoes over the summer (Kreighton told him he HAD to know how to do that) Kreighton was kind of in a funk but she told me she thought it was because she was nervous...that girl never gets nervous but I went with it.... I picked them up from school because Kyle had soccer practice...I asked Kreighton how her day was and she almost started crying saying she was just so then I felt bad thinking I should have gotten in bed earlier (she was asleep by 8) so we walked to Grandma Sharons....Kyle was full of energy talking about his day Lydia had fallen off the monkey bars and broke her arm so that was the main scoop! At Grandma I went to give Kreighton a hug and she was burning up....this girl NEVER has a fever...has not had one in over 4 years....but sure enough she did! I felt so bad for her she probably had one all day! So I took Kyle and Kael to soccer practice and she stayed at Grandma's and watched Treehouse Masters (her idea of a perfect brothers and getting to be lazy at Grandma's) Fred picked her up...we already had dinner plans to go out for Kael's birthday I offered to stay home and take care of her....but she wanted her dad! She was better by the time she went to bed! Kael's birthday post is coming later! So besides Kreighton getting sick they both had great days...and Kyle could NOT wait to get back to school! |
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