We went up to Minnesota for a few days to spend time with the Moroneys! And remember the huge slip and slide we got to do last summer...well that hill is just as awesome for sledding!
Daddy and Kyle ready to go! |
Kyle heading down! |
Fred and Kael! |
Kreighton and Kyle waiting on top! |
Kreighton! |
Kyle! |
Kreighton and Dad! |
Clara and Kreighton going together! |
Mommy tried it once....I like sledding but I did not have the right gear on! |
Saturday night Kreighton left us and stayed with Mary Lou!
So we took the boys to an arcade thing...right now I cannot think of the name of it!
But the boys loved it!
Kyle shooting hoops...he loved this game! |
The motorcycle game! |
Kael was not going to left out on the action! |
Kael not Nolan playing a game! |
Pretty intense faces! |
Kyle and Daddy playing the football game! |
Kyle getting tips from Uncle James on how to throw! |
Peck vs. Peck....
It was a fun night....they even served beer...and had an IPA...how did I get so lucky!
Once again as I always say we are ever so lucky to be able to go to Minnesota and have our kids entertained and spend time with family!
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