Wagners were here for winter break....KP went back to Minneosota to spend the week with The Moroneys (she was supposed to go this summer but time got away) and I promised KP and CM she could come over winter break and neither were going to allow me to go back on my promise :)
Sledding! In Boston they have snow...but not Big Red or a cool homemade sled!
Tommy and Elizabeth were up first! |
Kyle and Isabelle on Big Red with Aunt Susan! |
Isabelle and Kael were to follow! |
Hang on tight! |
Kyle and Isabelle waiting for their turn and playing in the big snow pile! |
It was a cold day but the kids were rockstars! Warming up with some Hot Chocolate! |
Kyle learning the ins and outs of what Uncle Tom does! |
Growing up the Peck Family had a train...Marilyn saved it (shocking) and so Fred set it up so the Wagner kids could experience the fun!
Taking turns with the control panel! |
How fast can we make it go! |
Fred taking control!
We had fun with the Wagners.....Kyle and Tommy were BFF and I got to spend some one and one time with the girls which was also fun!
NYE we had a few people over....the boys were hilarious....we were over powered by boys...Beyers were gone and KP was gone...so Laynee was the lone ranger! |
I am not kidding you...they were so funny dancing around...I put it on snap and I should have saved it! |
Before we left Fred and Kyle worked on making sure the calves had water! |
Kyle learning the ropes from one of the best! |
Love this picture of Kyle! |
These are our 3 calves that started off as babies and we bottle fed....I like these 3 the most...the other ones are kind of mean if you ask me!
Kind of...a little...makes me miss the snow...or maybe just the sledding! |
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