Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Winter Break

Wagners were here for winter break....KP went back to Minneosota to spend the week with The Moroneys (she was supposed to go this summer but time got away) and I promised KP and CM she could come over winter break and neither were going to allow me to go back on my promise :) 

Sledding! In Boston they have snow...but not Big Red or a cool homemade sled!

Tommy and Elizabeth were up first!

Kyle and Isabelle on Big Red with Aunt Susan!

Isabelle and Kael were to follow! 
Hang on tight!

Kyle and Isabelle waiting for their turn and playing in the big snow pile!

It was a cold day but the kids were rockstars! Warming up with some Hot Chocolate!

Kyle learning the ins and outs of what Uncle Tom does!

Growing up the Peck Family had a train...Marilyn saved it (shocking) and so Fred set it up so the Wagner kids could experience the fun!

Taking turns with the control panel!

How fast can we make it go!

Fred taking control!

We had fun with the Wagners.....Kyle and Tommy were BFF and I got to spend some one and one time with the girls which was also fun!

NYE we had a few people over....the boys were hilarious....we were over powered by boys...Beyers were gone and KP was Laynee was the lone ranger! 

I am not kidding you...they were so funny dancing around...I put it on snap and I should have saved it!

Before we left Fred and Kyle worked on making sure the calves had water!

Kyle learning the ropes from one of the best!

Love this picture of Kyle!

These are our 3 calves that started off as babies and we bottle fed....I like these 3 the most...the other ones are kind of mean if you ask me!

Kind of...a little...makes me miss the snow...or maybe just the sledding! 

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