Saturday, February 22, 2014

Snowed In!

Two weeks ago we were snowed in for a couple of days....but at the time seemed like a lot longer!!!!  We did a lot to stay busy!  3 bored kids=chaos for Mommy!

Kreighton brushing Kyle's hair....he was begging for a Mo-Hawk

Kreighton  I mean Dad working on some loom bracelets 

Kreighton took a nap and Daddy was still working away!
I should have gotten a picture but Fred had the bracelet done and one of the last rubber bands broke....he was so mad and told me that I needed to buy more quality looms!

We were hoping the snow would leave Sunday....but it went right into Monday....playing with homemade snow

It kept the kids pretty busy and kept the mess confined to the kitchen!

Then we switched to moon-dough....

A break for chocolate chip cookies from Grandpa Marilyn

Rescue Bot Time

They had the quite the production going on!

We also made some colored rice

But the kids had more fun with the moon dough


Kael loved it the most!

Oh yeah in the middle of the blizzard our furnace couldn't keep up....thank goodness for  the fireplace

The kids were excited to surprise me by cleaning the boys' room!

The roads got a little better so Jayme was able to make it over with the girls and since we knew we were going to be snowed in another day they just spent the night! 
They loved the legos and spent almost two hours in the office putting them together!

Fred made the girls hot chocolate and they loved it!

Miss Lauren

I told Lindsay that I wanted to take pictures of them for my blog because I know  Mimi reads she wanted  this picture taken just for Mimi:)

The boys had some tv time!

And Daddy wrestling time!

Gma Sharon made it out for a quick visit and Kael talked her into a book!

Sleepovers are the best!

Happy Sleepy Lindsay!

Looking back we really did have "some" fun and we were lucky that the Beyer Girls were able to come and join our fun!   The older the kids get the more I realize maybe snow days are not SO bad:)

Sunday, February 9, 2014


We went to Galena this year for our annual Moroney Family Vacation....this was our 6th year of having a weekend away!  It proved to be another awesome weekend away!

Kyle and Sissy

Cousin wrestling fun!

Playing farm

Sissy asked Clara and Kreighton to be her wedding....miniature brides!

Clara's Dr. McStuffins dr set was a huge hit....
Kyle checking out
brad's scar from his mishap in Jamacia  

And Sissy's eye

Brad's tonsils

Kael checking out Brad's heart 

Clara's turn

Mommy and Kyle

Clara making sure
kael is not sick

Styling Nolan's hair

Sissy's turn

Great-Grandpa's walker is a fun toy!

Great Grandpa and Grandma

Fisher and great Grandpa

Love this picture of Nolan and Fisher creeping from behind to catch a glimpse of Kyle's IPOD

Not really sure if I am supposed to watch this

These two were pretty much inseparable all weekend

If I stick with Grandma maybe I will not have to sleep?

Rock-Paper-Sissors with Great Grandpa

Cindy and Dad

Brad and Fred

The original 4!

Fisher was NOT interested in getting his picture taken!

Me and my sister....I am clearly the pretty one :)

Kreighton was excited to win at Air Hockey

Grandpa and Kreighton

Shuffle Board was played a lot!  I want one in our basement!

Clara loved taking care of Fisher

Thumbs up from Will

Grandpa and Nolan playing Air Hockey

Great picture....if Clara would have smiled!

Jenny and Jim!

Brad and his future father in law!

Dad, James, and Andrew

Cindy and Liz

This years theme was a picture of poster....Dad got a Hawkeye Picture!

Brad would make a pretty bride.....

Fred....the Dekalb seed salesman....???

Mike and some Star wars?

I could not let the weekend go without bringing up the fact that I beat my brother in our last race!!!

Take a picture of me Mom!

Old school Games!

Cindy and Jenny!

Some of The Pecks!

Aunt Kiki and Kreighton

It was another great weekend!!!!!