Tuesday, October 25, 2011


It is hard to believe but Kael is already two months old! He is still a great baby and sleeps pretty much all day.  And does great most nights....and has made it through the night a time or two.  He is happy as long as he is not tired or hungry.  We still swaddle him and he sleeps with white noise...the louder the better. Most people tell me he looks like by brother James and it is strange to have a blondie since Kreighton and Kyle have dark hair. 

A smile!

Bright-eyed...with a little throw up!

Combine Ride Comparison

A comparison of Kreighton and Kael...I can't find one of Kyle.
I can't really say that they look much alike.

Kreighton 9/07
Kael 9/11

A cross-eyed Kreighton


Weekend with Cousins

This weekend Tara, Julianna, and Ella came to Iowa to visit for a few nights!  The kids LOVE playing with their cousins!  Kyle even passed up riding in the tractor!
Julianna does such a great job playing and taking care of the kids and Ella and Kreighton play great together! The girls are fun to be around and I feel fortunate to have them in our lives!

Julianna and Kael 
Miss Ella and Kreighton

Kyle has been waking up asking to go to Grandma Marilyn's....I think this explains why....a whole table set up for  him to "Farm"

Monday, October 17, 2011

These Two....

Being a parent of course you have kids and hope they always get along and play together very nicely! Well this is not always the case...they fight, steal each toys, pull hair, push each others buttons, BUT then there are times where they play nicely, share toys, and just plain get along!  At times I wondered if Kreighton and Kyle would ever get to that point! Since having Kael they have been "playing" together much more!  I guess they really don't have a choice since Mommy is busy!

Playing in our "sandbox" 

As of now Kyle thinks it is neat to let Kreighton put make-up on him!

Having Pumpkin Bars!

Pretty soon this Crazy one will be added to the mix!

Missing Son.....

That is how I feel these days...Kyle wakes up and the 1st thing he says "I work, I work with Daddy."
So he has been spending A LOT of time in the tractor this harvest.  Fred and I both thought he would LOVE riding in the combine, however, he prefers the "Big Tractor with Bappa" I am not sure if it is the tractor he likes or Bappa! And if you ask him what kind of the Big Tractor is...he proudly says "4440"
Last night he came in just to get his peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then he was right back in the tractor! And put up a protest when he had to come in at 8:30!

And the Tradition Continues!

It is Harvest time which means a lot of tractor/combine rides for the kids! Last year Kreighton was so excited to sleep in the tractor like Daddy used to when he was a little boy....this year the excitement was still there!

Snoozing away!

I do wonder how old she will be when this is not the "cool" thing to do! Until then I think Fred will soak it up as long as he can!

Some 1st for Kael

This was a big weekend for Kael...on Saturday he got to go to his 1st Hawkeye Tailgate

There were TWO babies at the tailgate!

Pretty Sissy!

Proud Grandpa

And I think I heard him say his 1st words "Go Hawks"

After the tailgate we headed to Des Moines for Kael to watch his 1st half marathon.  Katie and Shannon were running!

After the race! 
Kael was a super baby and did great!

Way to go Sissy!

I have a feeling this will not be Kael's last 1/2 marathon...my legs were itching to run and we have already made plans for the Minneapolis 1/2 next year!
It was a great weekend and I am super proud of my sisters for running!  And I can't wait to run with them next year!