Monday, October 4, 2010

Oh How I Love Fall!

I do love fall sweatshirt weather! I love that we can still be outside and go on walks or runs without the heat! I love going to pumpkin patches with the kids and watching Kreighton picking out the BIGGEST pumpkin for her dad! The kids getting excited for combine rides with their Dad! And of course the kids and I love watching Hawkeye football!
But at the same time I very much dislike not having Fred around! And the kids miss him so much as well! Kyle's eyes light up when he hears Fred talking over the two-way and thinks he is home! Yes they do get to go for an occasional combine ride, but it is not the same! And of course Mr. Kyle has decided to give up his morning nap! He may be ready but his mom is most definitely not! And Miss Kreighton tested positive for Walking Pneumonia after weeks of coughing and me just thinking it was just her allergies! And she also decided to give herself a haircut! She has now has a one-sided mullet! But we are hoping to be on the downhill stretch! And hope that Fred is getting close to being done!
Kyle relaxing at the Pumpkin Farm
I have realized trying to get a picture of both kids looking is almost impossible!
Kyle in heaven! He screamed and had a major meltdown when he had to come back to me!

Kyle has also learned to climb the art table! This is his "What mom and I am not supposed to be up here" look!

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