Monday, March 18, 2013

Kael Kael KAEL!

Kael had one of those days....that made our day much more interesting!

Teeth Marks in the Book....

This guy was the culprit....

And thought he was funny!

Missing toys, phone, and pudding....Kael has a stash hidden behind the couch! idea how long it has been back there!

And yes teeth marks in the butter!

Oh yes...once again it is Kael!

You are probably wondering what this is.....

We preheated the oven for supper and it started to S-MELL!

We found a melted zip lock bag of cantaloupe!

He LOVES the toilet and putting stuff in he managed to plug it!

Don't let this innocent face trick you....he is anything BUT innocent!

 Today my amazon order consisted of....a lock for the fridge, toilet, and oven!