Monday, March 18, 2013

Our Week...Last Week

Last week we had a busy week....

We painted

Even this guy :)

And painted balloons

My attempt to be organized with a worked...kind of!

Made pizzas

Kael wanted to eat before the pizza was cooked! 

And was M-AD when I put it in the oven

Beyer girls came over...Fred took them sledding so they warmed up in front of the fire with books!

Rosy red cheeks!

Moroney's came home for this guys 1st Birthday!

We went to the Aurora Comet Center
Where Uncle James taught Kreighton the ins and outs of basketball!

Miss Clara 

Cousins playing!

How many can we get one one teeter totter
Mommy's turn!

My Kael getting so big

Batman is NOT happy that Sissy stole his mask!

Get back here Sissy!

Kreighton working out!

Batman and Mommy

Clara and Nolan came over so everyone could get ready for the party!

Lunch time!

Birthday party....Peyton and Lindsay....

Brad and Sissy

The Birthday Boy Nolan Patrick
The party was supposed to be in Mom and Dad's garage but an hour before the party was supposed to start the garage started filling up with water....thank goodness mom and refinished the basement so the kids could be down there!
One year ago his delivery gave us all a scare...Bridget seemed to think she should get all the presents since she did all the work :)

We had a fun and busy week filled with lots of friends and family!

1 comment:

  1. that's a great pic of you & Kyle with the batman mask on :)
