Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Christmas Outing

So it has been a looooonnnngggg while since I have updated!  I told myself I would keep up on my blog....oops!

But over a month ago we took the kids + Will to a Christmas farm by Hudson.  I was not sure what to expect....but it was a really really neat place and well worth the trip and the money!

Petting Zoo

Kreighton and Kael it was a cold day....but the barn was heated!

Kael was a bit of a handful...and hard for him to keep warm...but he still loved it!

Kreighton cuddling a bunny rabbit!

Kael was more into squeezing the bunny rather than holding it!

Kreighton and Mom....trying to get more pictures of me and the kids!

The heated barn had a loft that the kids could play in and loved it!

Kael kept saying "yee-haw"

They even let the kids ride the animals in the petting zoo

AND they could ride the horses outside as well!

Kreighton loved the big horses....and was feeding them snow!

Then we got to ride through the woods to a cabin to have breakfast with Santa

Kyle and Mommy....we rode in wagons....pulled by horses

Will and Kyle

The horses that pulled us

Will rode back on the sled!

It was a super fun day and a tradition we will have to keep up!

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