Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kreighton 4th Birthday!

Since cousins were home and on Kreighton's actual 4th Birthday we will have our hands full with a new baby we decided to have Kreighton's Birthday Party a few weeks early!
We didn't really have a theme but did have a pinta, face painting, and lanterns the kids could decorate (which comes from the movie Tangled).  It was a lot of fun and all the kids had fun!

Birthday Girl and Great-Grandpa

Face-Painting Fun!

Kyle and his Bappas!

Ella with the Birthday Girl

Trying to get Kyle to sit still for a picture!

Easiest way to carry candy!

Miss Charlotte!

Waiting for the cake!

Smashing styrofoam is so fun!

Decorating the lanterns

Great Picture!

I am happy to have the Birthday Party done with....but sad to think I have an almost 4-year old!

1 comment:

  1. oh I just love all the fun pictures! Those Lange girls are smart with the candy and could Jude have found a bigger stick? I love it!
