Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Quick Trip....

Yeah Right....our Monday morning started off with saying good-bye to The Moroneys as they were heading back to Minnesota, and the kids managed to talk Sissy into riding with us to the library....a quick trip!  Well I smelled something in the van and looked under and saw oil flowing out!  Called Fred, he was with a called Dad and he said to take it to Cy and Charleys.  Unloaded all 3 kids and attempted to keep the entertained at Cy and Charleys...Thank Goodness Sissy was with us to help!  It did not take long for them to come back and tell us the bad news...they could not fixed it and it should be towed to CR!  How we are stranded with 3 kids and no vehicle...and I STILL cannot get a hold of Fred!  Thank Goodness my mom's office happens to be located right next to Cy and Charleys and she is willing to let us take her vehicle!  But of course we had to switch 3 carseats, and my husband puts them in so tight it took me and Shannon to get them out!  Well the van wasn't as bad as what they thought...but after much thought Fred and I decided to trade it has caused far too many headaches in the last two months so we get our new one on Friday!
All in all it was a crazy morning...but as always things could have been worse!


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