Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Preschool Graduation!

Kreighton graduated from 3 year old preschool again this year!  They had a short performance and then we all went back and saw Kreighton's room!

Kyle and Daddy!

Kreighton belting out a tune!

Grandma and Grandpa Peck were there! 
So were Grandma and Grandpa Moroney!

And Sissy!

And her Brothers!

Kreighton and her good friend Macy!

This was Kreighton at her 3-year old graduation last year!  She has grown up so much!

Kreighton LOVED preschool and learned so much this year...she is so excited to move on to 4-year old next year!
And she had the greatest teachers and is going to miss them so much next year!

1 comment:

  1. Kreighton looks so pretty in her graduation pictures!
